Why I Decided To Start A Blog

Its the journey, not the destination

One of the most common questions I get is “Where are you?” or “Where are you going next?”

So, I decided to start this blog to share the places I’ve been and the things I’ve gotten to experience. It inspires me that people take in interest in my nomad lifestyle, and I would love to inspire other people to get out in the world and chase after their dreams.

I started traveling when I was a kid, because my Dad was in the military and I was lucky enough to have a Mom with the same travelers’ spirit as me. I moved around growing up and find it difficult to stay in one place for very long- the curse of the military brat.

I moved out when I was in high school, and I got pregnant shortly after graduation. Work, school, and being a single mom pretty much consumed my life. But one day when my daughter was about 3 I decided that the life I was living wasn’t all I wanted it to be. I wanted more than the 9-5 grind. So I packed up the car and spur of the moment took a spring break road trip from Florida to the Grand Canyon. The entire trip was amazing, and I realized my daughter is the best travel buddy. That trip sparked a desire for adventure for both of us and Its only grown since.

I spent a lot of time in school and working to make ends meet after that but I took every opportunity I could, to see new places and try new things. It was a long road of sleepless nights, working weekends and holidays, and faith that one day I’d get to where I want to be. Fast forward almost a decade and I’m a travel nurse. Im still working hard to make my dreams a reality.

I may not have been able to backpack Europe after high school as I planned as a kid, but I’m going to get there one day. It’s all happening.. in its own time, with a little luck, and a lot of effort.

If I can do it, you can too.

xx, Katie

One Comment

  1. Lisa Schreffler

    I love that you have created this website! The pictures are fantastic and I enjoy reading your insight. I’m so glad we share the same “traveling spirit”. You are an inspiration, can’t wait to see where you go next!

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